HMNC Brain Health's Founder and Head of Scientific Advisory Board Professor Florian Holsboer is one of the most cited scientists worldwide
Database compiled and published by the Public Library of Science PLoS in cooperation with Stanford University compiles information of the 100.000 most-cited scientists
Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Florian Holsboer ranks among most influential 0,5% of all scientists worldwide
With 844 papers accounted for and 48.221 citations since 1980, Professor Florian Holsboer comes in at rank 505 of the database. This has him in the Top-20 of Psychiatrists and Top 250 in the field of Clinical Medicine as one of only few scientists not associated with an institution in the U.S. or Great Britain. His placement among the most influential 0,5% of all scientists worldwide reflects Professor Holsboer’s outstanding importance and reputation in academia, especially in the field of psychiatry.
Professor Holsboer is known for his discoveries about the relationship between stress, depression, anxiety and sleep disorders, the laboratory diagnostic characterization of these diseases and their ideal treatment. He is also considered one of the pioneers of personalized depression therapy.
Published in 2019, the Standardized citation metrics author database annotated for scientific field compiles information of the 100.000 most-cited scientists. It is the only large-scale database that systematically ranks all the most-cited scientists in each and every scientific field to a sufficient ranking depth. The database exploits various standardized metrics and indicators, such as the number of citations in relation to field of study, from 1996 until 2017, corrected for the annual data of 2018. It is based on Scopus citation data spanning over 22 years, providing a measure of long-term performance, and also reflecting career-long impact on academia. Therefore, the database is representative, fraud reduced (e.g., extensive self-citation or citation-clusters) and detached from academic career length.
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